Thursday, May 10, 2007

This would be funny if it weren't true

Terrorist Mickey Mouse. Hamas actually suspended the show themselves, so I guess that's something. According to one article, the show:

[.., features the life-size lookalike of Mickey Mouse called Farfur, who sings about youngsters arming themselves with AK-47s and striving for world domination "under Islamic leadership".]

If anyone had any doubt about why the Palestinian Government was sanctioned by OFAC last year should check out the link above, or see if for yourself on youtube.


Anonymous said...

Actually they refused to suspend it......

Anonymous said...

Is that new, or do you mean that they initially refused? It appears from the article that they did bow to pressure and suspend it.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Hamas "government" told the TV network to cancel the show, but the Hamas TV station, in the true spirit of resistance, refused and continues to air it. has the translations of the show, and very revealing interviews.